Inspirations for You.

Inspiring my teams over the last two decades has been one of the most enjoyable parts of my job. By sharing my vision for what is possible in our daily briefings, I powered my team and myself up for the day.

I firmly believe my passion for inspiring others has led my teams to achieve multiple international awards, including the rare Forbes Five-Star rating.

Spa & Wellness Blog - Verena Lasvigne - International Spa Consultant

With my inspirations on this Spa & Wellness Blog, I wish to continue inspiring Spa professionals to succeed. Furthermore, I hope that my inspirations lead you naturally to actions that elevate and enhance your Spa.

Enjoy this productive break reading my inspirations and allow you to reflect, review, and sharpen your vision to become even more successful.

Enhancement Menus for Success.
Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne Spa & Wellness Blog Verena Lasvigne

Enhancement Menus for Success.

Over the last years, enhancements have gained a strong interest in Spas not just in the US but internationally. As a result, receiving a massage these days without being offered the opportunity to increase the benefits without adding time seems impossible anymore.

But there are enhancement menus, and there are enhancement menus. Some Spas add significant $$$ to their top and bottom line, and some Spas have somewhere enhancements available but sell very few. No matter what type of Spa you work in, there is always the opportunity to do better. See my insights below on how you give your guests an additional benefit during their subsequent treatment and add some $$$ at the same time to your business.

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